Advanced configurations

In this section, users can find information about how to modify or improve MIGNON performance by tweaking its code or default inputs. We do not recommend users to modify the MIGNON code unless they are completely sure about all the conflicts that a change can create. Given the dependency between the inputs and outputs of each task, errors can be hard to trace back.


Because of the underlying design of MIGNON, the different tools that make up the pipeline can be conceived as black boxes that receive an input and generate an output that is used as input for the next tool (input -> tool-1 -> output -> input -> tool-2 -> output). As all the executions occur within docker containers, the tools can be easily replaced if the new tool input/output match the workflow schema. By making small changes to the MIGNON WDL code (in terms of lines of code), users can replace a particular tool with little effort. To demonstrate this, we created a new version of the workflow where we replaced featureCounts by HT-Seq, which is an alternative tool to obtain the number of counts per gene used in the Genomic Data Commons mRNA analysis pipeline.

The first step to include or substitute a tool is identifying the inputs and outputs that it requires and produces, respectively. In a similar fashion to featureCounts, HT-Seq takes as input an alignment file (SAM or BAM) together with a genome annotation file (GTF) and outputs a tab-separated text file with the number of counts per gene in the GTF file. In this sense, featureCounts is being replaced by a tool that performs the same task in the workflow. However, unlike featureCounts, HT-Seq cannot be applied to several samples at the same time. This creates a conflict because in MIGNON, featureCounts has a double purpose: it counts the number of reads per gene and also summarizes multiple alignments into a single output, taking as input the array of alignment files. To address this problem, we will start creating two different WDL tasks to perform the same steps that are carried out with featureCounts: 1) One that will run HT-Seq in a single sample manner and 2) another one that will merge all the individual count tables.

# 1 - HTSEQ
task htseq {
    File? input_alignment
    String sample_id
    File gtf
    String output_counts
    Int? cpu 
    String? mem 

    command {
      htseq-count -f bam ${input_alignment} ${gtf} > ${output_counts}
      # add sample Id
      sed -i "1s/^/${sample_id}\n/" ${output_counts}

    runtime {
      docker: ""
      cpu: cpu
      requested_memory: mem

    output {
      File counts = output_counts

task mergeCounts {

    Array[File?] count_files
    String output_counts
    Int? cpu 
    String? mem 

    command {
      Rscript -e "
        input_files <- '${sep=',' count_files}'; \
        file_list <- strsplit(input_files, ','); \
        table_list <- lapply(file_list[[1]], function(x) read.table(x, sep = '\t', row.names = 1)); \
        out_table <- Reduce(cbind, table_list); \
        write.table(out_table, file = '${output_counts}', sep = '\t', quote = FALSE)"

    runtime {
      docker: "r-base:4.0.3"
      cpu: cpu
      requested_memory: mem

    output {
      File counts = output_counts

As it can be observed, the first task will use a container with the HT-Seq software: docker: "". The second one will use a container with the base R language to merge the different count tables docker: "r-base:4.0.3". Once the WDL tasks are prepared, we can import them into the main workflow code by adding:

import "MIGNON_htseq_tasks.wdl" as MignonHtSeq

Then, we can place the task calls in the proper parts of the workflow. As HT-Seq will be executed in a single-sample manner, we can include the task in the loop that iterates through samples. In addition, as it will only be executed when salmon is not used, we will restrict the execution to the task to the “hista2” and “star” modes.

scatter (idx in range(len_fastq)) {

	if (execution_mode == "hisat2" || execution_mode == "star") {

		# htseq
		call MignonHtSeq.htseq as htseq {
				input_alignment = select_first([star.bam, bamHisat2.bam]),
				gtf = gtf_file,
				sample_id = sample,
				output_counts = sample + "_counts.tsv",
				cpu = 1,
				mem = "16G"




In a second step, we can insert the mergeCounts task that will gather and summarize the output of the different HT-Seq executions. The main input for this task will be the array of files generated in the HT-Seq loop over samples. As the aforementioned task, this step should only be executed when using the “star” or “hisat2” execution modes:


if (execution_mode == "hisat2" || execution_mode == "star") {

	# merge individual counts
	call MignonHtSeq.mergeCounts as mergeCounts {
			count_files = htseq.counts,
			output_counts = "counts.tsv",
			cpu = 1,
			mem = "16G"




Finally, we can merge the output of this task with MIGNON by connecting its main output (the counts table) with edgeR:

# edgeR
call Mignon.edgeR as edgeR {
		counts = select_first([txImport.counts, mergeCounts.counts]),
		edger_script = edger_script,
		samples = sample_id,
		group = group,
		min_counts = edger_min_counts,
		cpu = edger_cpu,
		mem = edger_mem


That’s all! By using the previous code, we have changed one of the core tool of MIGNON by another without altering the behavior of the pipeline. We have added this parallel workflow to the repo:


MIGNON relies on the intrinsic ability of each tool to use multi-threading and in the ability of cromwell to launch a number of parallel jobs through the concurrent-job-limit parameter of the config file. We encourage users to read cromwell multithreading post, as it depicts the levels at which the execution of a workflow can be done in parallel. In brief, there are two levels at which MIGNON allows the use of parallel executions:

Parallel jobs


This is, the number of parallel tasks that can be executed using the task dependency tree created by cromwell. For example, the fastp processing of each sample is a task that can be easily executed in parallel. Multiple samples can be processed at the same time as they do not depend on each other’s outputs. On the other hand, tasks as featureCounts require a bunch of outputs and will not start until all the alignments finish successfully. This is called parallelization at sample level and when allowed, it is controlled through the concurrent-job-limit parameter in the cromwell configuration file. As calculating the number of concurrent jobs is not a straightforward task, and will depend entirely on the workflow structure and computational environment, we recommend to limit this parallelization level to one when deploying the workflow at computationally limited environments (i.e 32 Gb of memory). On the other hand, when deploying the pipeline on HPC or Cloud Computing environments, this paralellization significantly reduces the workflow execution time.

Scatter-gather strategy for HaplotypeCaller

As explained in the input section, there is an input parameter (haplotype_scatter_count) that allows using the scatter and gather strategy for the GATK HaplotypeCaller sub-task. This parameter can be used to speed up the variant calling process and will split the single-sample variant calling into a number of parallel processes. For example, if this parameter is set to 5, MIGNON will create 5 sub-tasks for each sample that will considerably speed up the HaplotypeCaller execution time.

Multi-thread tools

For those tools that allow multi-threading, we have included workflow-level inputs that are directly passed to the tool parameter that controls such multi-threading. Additionally, for those tasks, we have performed a study of the performance of the tools under 6 different CPU configurations, which are depicted in the article. In brief, tools that allow multi-threading considerably speed up in correlation with the the number of CPUs. However, in our opinion, from 8 threads up, the reduction on execution time is not worth for the number of threads used.